coxeter groups
san francisco state university
universidad de los andes
federico ardila
You can stream the lecture videos at (Thanks to Arek Goetz!)
You can also download the most recent lectures:
O lecture notes
1. 1/25/08.
2. 1/28/08.
3. 1/30/08.
4. 2/01/08.
5. 2/04/08.
6. 2/06/08.
7. 2/08/08. (2/11/08 in sf)
8. 2/11/08. (2/13/08 in sf) (This has a serious mistake, fixed in Lecture 19.)
9. 2/13/08. (2/15/08 in sf)
10. 2/15/08. (2/18/08 in sf)
11. 2/20/08.
12. 2/22/08.
13. 2/25/08.
14. 2/27/08.
15. 2/29/08.
16. 3/03/08.
17. 3/05/08.
18. 3/07/08.
19. 3/10/08.
20. 3/12/08.
21. 3/14/08.
22. 3/17/08. (3/24/08 in bog)
23. 3/19/08. (3/26/08 in bog)
24. 3/21/08. (3/28/08 in bog)
25. 4/02/08.
26. 4/04/08.
27. 4/07/08.
28. 4/09/08.
29. 4/11/08.
30. 4/14/08.
31. 4/16/08.
32. 4/18/08.
33. 4/21/08.
34. 4/23/08.
35. 4/25/08.
36. 4/28/08.
37. 4/30/08.
38. 5/02/08.
39. 5/05/08.
40. 5/09/08.
41. 5/12/08.
42. 5/14/08.
Note. As in any lecture or text, there may be occasional mistakes in what I said or wrote. If you notice a significant mistake, please let me know.
Acknowledgment. The first 29 lectures mostly follow the combinatorial approach of Bjorner and Brenti's book, with some omissions and some additions of my own. In the following few lectures I treat root systems and the classification of finite Coxeter groups; I learned this from Sergey Fomin who followed an approach of John Stembridge. Many thanks to all of them.